
Tampa Bay Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Florida’s Domestic Violence Criminal Statutes Versus the State’s Assault/Battery Laws

The peculiar details of some domestic disturbances can generate less-than-serious coverage in the media. However, a domestic incident is always a serious legal matter in Florida, as it can potentially impact the lives of both the accused and the alleged victim in a myriad of ways. If you’re the accused,…


‘Fruit of the Poisonous Tree’ and Getting Your Statements to Police Thrown Out in a Florida Case

In a 2001 episode of a highly popular courtroom drama, a criminal suspect is very excited. “Y’all ain’t got no probable cause… That’s poison from the fruit tree!” Garbled wording aside, the suspect was onto something… or he might have been had he not been on parole and subject to…


How the Police Can Violate Your Fourth Amendment Rights in a Traffic Stop… and What It Potentially Can Mean to Your Florida Criminal Case

There are many ways in which law enforcement officers can overstep or misstep in conducting a warrantless search pursuant to a traffic stop. When they do, those errors may mean the search was unconstitutional and you are entitled to suppression of the proof they found. This blog post will look…


What Florida Law Says About Warrantless Searches Police Perform Pursuant to a Baker Act Detention

A lot of criminal prosecutions — especially ones related to firearms or drug crimes — involve evidence seized as a result of a warrantless search. If that’s you, one of the most important parts of your defense is contesting the legality of the search and the admissibility of evidence seized…


Weapons Crimes and Sentence Enhancements for Repeat Offenders

Weapons crimes often can come with strict sentencing rules including, in some circumstances, sentence enhancements. If you are facing such a possibility, it is vital to have a skilled Tampa Bay criminal defense lawyer on your side to help you establish that you do not qualify for the enhanced sentence…


When the Police in Florida Can — and Can’t — Search You Without Your Consent Based on a Non-Criminal Traffic Violation

Drug and weapons offenses represent some of the most commonly charged crimes in Florida. According to the FBI, drug crimes are the #1 basis for arrests, representing nearly 1 in 7 (14%) of all arrests. Sometimes, the way the police go about obtaining the proof necessary to make those arrests…


Florida Law Regarding Stand Your Ground Immunity and People Engaged in Illegal Conduct

Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” has been the subject of much public discussion. Many misunderstandings and misconceptions are associated with this statute. If you are someone facing criminal charges and need to present an argument for Stand Your Ground immunity, make sure you have an experienced Tampa Bay criminal defense lawyer…


A Pasco County Man Faces Felony Charges for Allegedly Slapping the Store Worker Who Called His Wife a ‘Karen’

Florida’s laws for people with prior convictions sometimes have the potential to inflict some severe penalties if that person gets arrested again, even if it is for something that normally would qualify only as a misdemeanor crime. If you’re someone facing possible felony charges because of your prior conviction, you…

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