
Articles Posted in DUI & BUI


Citizen Informants Versus Anonymous Tipsters, And How the Difference May Impact Your Florida Criminal Case

Informants have many different names. To some, their name is a “responsible member of society doing their civic duty.” To others, their name is narc, snitch, or rat. What’s important, if you’re facing criminal charges, is not what you’d call them, but what Florida law calls them, as the answer…


How Evidence of the Other Driver’s Drunkenness Might Help You in Your DUI Homicide Case in Florida

The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution contains within it many basic rights for people who are on trial for alleged crimes. This is the Amendment from which the accused derives his right to present a defense at trial. That right to present a defense is very broad and significantly…


What a Former Baseball All-Star’s Arrest Can Say About Your DUI Case in Florida

The 2004 World Champion Boston Red Sox baseball team was embraced by fans and given the affectionate nickname “The Idiots.” Unfortunately, one of the members of that team who grew up playing baseball in the Orlando area is in the news again, and he’s accused of doing something genuinely not…


When the State Can (and Can’t) Access Your Medical Records as Part of a Florida Criminal Investigation

If you’ve been arrested and charged with a crime in Florida, you should know what’re facing. You’ll most likely be facing  knowledgeable and capable prosecutors who are well-versed in using the legal system to get the information they want in order to make their case. They know how to phrase…

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