
MN: Man Gets DUI on La-Z-Boy Mobile Chair

How lazy do you gotta be to get a DUI without ever getting off your La-Z-Boy???The following is courtesy of

A 61-year-old man named Dennis LeRoy was just sentenced to 180 days in jail after cops say he got wasted at a Minnesota bar last year and tried to drive home on his suped-up piece of living room furniture.

The La-Z-booze-mobile was equipped with a cup-holder, radio, headlight and a National Hot Rod Association sticker. It was powered by a converted lawn-mower.

Cops say on August 31,2008, LeRoy pounded around 8 or 9 beers, left the bar, mounted his chair-mobile — which is capable of speeds up to 20 MPH — and crashed into a “real car” on the way back to his home.

LeRoy was given field sobriety tests … but cops say he “failed everything.”

The La-Z-Boy driver can avoid jail time if he completes two years of supervised probation — which includes completing a chemical dependency program, random testing and 30 days of electronic monitoring.

The Clearwater-based Blake & Dorsten, P.A. is always looking for interesting and humorous criminal and traffic-law-related stories. We do our best to post them to our blog and send them out via various social networking sites.

If you’ve been charged with a “real” DUI, the Blake & Dorsten, P.A. is available 365/24/7 to assist you. Former DUI Manslaughter Prosecutor Nicholas J. Dorsten has years of trial experience both prosecuting and defending DUI cases. Put that experience to work for you.

To speak directly with DUI defense attorney Nicholas J. Dorsten, please call 727.286.6141 or email Nicholas at:

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