
Largo “Drug Sweep” Nabs 47 People for Street Level Drug Sales

The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office finished up a three-month undercover investigation into street level drug sales in and around the Largo area of Pinellas County. Named “Operation Mid-County Clean-Up, this street level investigation focused on the Sale of various Controlled Substances including Marijuana, Cocaine and Prescription Drugs.

For more information, you can check out the original St. Petersburg Times article.

As a general rule, the State of Florida is very tough on drug cases — especially those involving a Trafficking amount of a controlled substance. Florida law calls for “minimum/mandatory” sentences that can last 3, 7, or 25 years. Unlike other criminal sentences that get imposed, if you are sentenced on a Drug Offense to a “minimum/mandatory” sentence, you will complete that sentence “day-for-day,” without the ability to obtain any “good or gain time” or be released early.

If you or a family member has been arrested for a Drug Offense or Drug Trafficking charge, you should contact an experienced criminal trial attorney that has the necessary training and experience to fight for you or your loved one against the State of Florida and their almost endless resources that they use to fight the “war on drugs.”

If your drug case requires an experienced and aggressive defense, the Blake & Dorsten, P.A. will be there for you. 365/24/7. Please Contact us at 727.286.6141.

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